Knot Bound
Knot Bound project helps provide a life free of sexual exploitation and abuse.

Knot Bound project works with at risk women from these categories: sexual exploitation, sexual abuse and extreme poverty. These women have all passed through a rehab/safe house program and are now prepared to initiate a different lifestyle but many of them lack the skills or experience to sustain their life differently. The Knot Bound Project develops their skills and pays them a fair wage for their products. The profits from the sale then return to the project to develop other forms of self sustainability for these women. We believe we are not bound by our past but tied to our future. By purchasing from Knot Bound, you are giving someone hope and enabling opportunity towards change.
This project is operated by a foundation in Medellín, Colombia called Sueños y Huellas del Mañana. You can follow them and see more of their work: