• Multicolor Embera Bead Project Necklace with Logo

Embera Bead Project

The Embera Bead Project was founded by IMB Missionaries Beth and Travis Burkhalter as a project to help displaced indigenous people living in Medellin, Colombia, and has become a formalized legal entity under Reincorporated NFP. 

Why is this project so important?

A large number of Embera people have fled their villages because of violence from armed groups and are living as internally displaced persons throughout the city of Medellin. Most of them have had a challenging time surviving in the city due to a lack of formalized education and the inability to speak Spanish. In order to meet their basic daily needs, many of these families beg for money or attempt to sell their handmade Embera-style jewelry to tourists on the streets. Unfortunately, This lifestyle is a significant risk to their family, making them more susceptible to targeted abuse and criminal activity.

The Embera Bead Project seeks to aid the Embera people through a holistic approach, working to meet their basic humanitarian needs and providing dignity through work with educational accompaniment. In 2022, The Embera Bead Project, alongside Reincorporated NFP and Sueños y Huellas Del Mañana, opened Casa Embera. This house was entrusted to this group as a rent-free space by the Medellin Mayor's Office so that the Embera might have a safe space to assemble as a community. Currently, Casa Embera provides after-school children's programs, adult personal & professional development classes, fair trade workshops, and nutritional medical assistance.

To learn more about Casa Embera, please click here.

How Can I help? By purchasing one of their handmade designs, hosting a Party in a Box, or donating to the Embera Bead Project, you can help fight poverty and restore hope for Embera families one bead at a time.