Brand Communication
In an effort to help you communicate our brand to your customers, we are making a few suggestions.
Our Story
Many Indigenous Colombians known as the Embera have fled their villages because of violence from armed groups and are living as internally displaced persons throughout Medellin. Due to a lack of formalized education and the inability to speak Spanish, many Embera struggle to meet their basic daily needs; as a result, many families beg on the streets or sell handmade Embera-style jewelry to tourists to survive. This lifestyle is a significant risk to their family,
making them more susceptible to targeted abuse and criminal activity.
The Embera Bead Project (EBP) was founded by IMB Missionaries Beth and Travis Burkhalter as a project to help displaced indigenous people living in Medellin, Colombia, and has become a formalized legal entity under Reincorporated NFP. The Embera Bead Project seeks to aid the Embera people through a holistic approach, working to meet their basic humanitarian needs and providing dignity through work in a safe working environment off the streets.
In 2021, The Embera Bead Project, alongside Reincorporated NFP and Sueños y Huellas De La Mañana, opened Casa Embera. This house was entrusted to this group as a rent-free space by the Medellin Mayor's Office so that the Embera might have a safe space to assemble as a community. Currently, Casa Embera provides after-school children's programs, adult personal & professional development classes, fair trade workshops, and nutritional & medical assistance funded by the sale of our branded merchandise and donors. In purchasing these products or hosting a Party in a Box, you take an active role in helping this community.
Brand Communication
Authorized Retail Distributors and Party in Box Hosts both serve as an essential part of our organization; however, how they communicate about our brand can vary significantly as Party in the Box Hosts are selling products on a volunteer basis as a representative of Embera Bead Project and Reincorporated, while Authorized Retailers are selling goods for an intended profit to their business.
Party in Box Host-
As a Party in a Box host, you uniquely help our brand by volunteering your time to spread the word about our organization with your family, friends, coworkers, or church communities. We are grateful for your time and willingness to serve on behalf of our project. As a host, 100% of the profits from each unit you sell are used to help fund our efforts at Casa Embera.
Suggested Copy for Posts/Ads:
I am excited to announce that I will be hosting a Party in Box at (your location), on (date). Come learn more about the Embera Bead Project (use @tag) and how they are helping displaced indigenous in Medellin, Colombia. 100% of the profits and donations you make at this special event will help support their foundational efforts and social impact.
Suggested Hashtags: #emberabeadproject #reincorporated #partyinabox #fairwage #embera #displacedindigenous #consciousconsumer #handmade #consciousfashion #makeanimpact #changetheworld #changelives #jewerly #earrings # bracelets #slowfashion #safespaceforall #equityineducation #empowerment #casaembera #globalcommunity #supportindigenous #indigenousmade #volunteer #service #partyhost #onebeadatatime #socialimpact #
Authorized Retail Distributor-
As an Authorized Retail Distributor, you support our project as an essential part of our social enterprise and sustainability efforts. Your orders help our organization in two ways, spread the word about our project far and wide to your existing customer base while providing much-needed finances to help us maintain and grow our project. Additionally, the prices you pay for the goods you purchase ensure a fair living wage for our employees. Please know that the below posts and hashtags are merely suggestions; we realize that as business owners you have a unique and special way to communicate to your existing customers.
Suggested Posts:
We are excited to announce we will be selling products from the Embera Bead Project. Shop this project today, your purchases help to support this amazing non-profit that focuses on providing fair wages and social help to displaced indigenous living in Medellin, Colombia.
Suggested Hashtags: #emberabeadproject #reincorporated #fairwage #embera #displacedindigenous #consciousconsumer #handmade #consciousfashion #shopsmall #smallbusiness #socialentrepreneurship #makeanimpact #changetheworld #changelives #jewerly #earrings # bracelets #slowfashion #safespaceforall #equityineducation #empowerment #casaembera #stopfastfashion #globalcommunity #supportindigenous #indigenousmade
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