IM Perfect Info

Semilla is the Spanish word for “seed.” This jewelry is not only symbolically made out of seeds, but it represents the chance for new growth in the lives of the women making the jewelry, much like a seed grows in to a strong flourishing tree. ImPerfect Jewelry is sold to help spread awareness and aid in the abolishment of Human Trafficking and Sexual Slavery in Colombia, South America. These specific pieces come from a safe home in Medellín, Colombia. ImPerfect Jewelry is made from tagua, a seed unique to South America, and is assembled individually by hand. The women who make the jewelry each have their own special story of survival. The Semilla Workshop gives women the opportunity to develop positive friendships, and begin to trust that God truly loves them and desires to give them a future filled with hope and purpose. Not only do Semilla volunteers help guide women living in the safe home on their spiritual journey, but the craft of making the jewelry provides practical therapy that aid in their recovery. Wearing this necklace should be reminder of one woman’s journey to freedom and her new life free of sexual exploitation.
The Semilla Workshop is currently paused and the profits from this jewelry go to help feed the young women in need.